This fascinating trip down Memory Lane combines a unique collection of cine film with reports from the archives of the Hampshire Chronicle to provide an entertaining look back at life in Winchester from the 1920’s to the 1970’s.Two films in particular stand out in the collection and will intrigue anyone with an interest in Winchester. The first, made in 1920, shows the city’s historic landmarks and many enthralling views of the city as it was more than 90 years ago. In 1977, another film-maker visited the same locations and recorded the same scenes.
Together they provide a remarkable visual record of the city and show that, although much had changed since the 1920’s, as is the way in Winchester, much remained the same.Among the many other film highlights in the DVD are scenes in the city centre in 1928; Winchester Lido in 1939; the arrival of evacuees from Portsmouth at the start of World War 2; a gathering of Winchester Home Guard and a joyful victory parade through the streets; enthusiastic crowds greeting George VI in 1946 and a young Queen Elizabeth in 1955.
We also see many scenes of local people going about their everyday business and many views of the city that are sure to bring memories flooding back for those who remember the Winchester of old.The Running time is 55 minutes.
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